Selected works
Publications & Press Texts
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Arnika Müll born 1978 in Giessen, Germany
lives and works since 2003 as a freeworking artist in Paris

University studies

1999 - 2004 Art University of the Land Hesse, Offenbach Main, Germany
2003 - 2007 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts, ENSBA, Paris

Solo Exhibitions

2003 Dresdner Bank, Frankfurt/M. Germany, (Catalogue)
2004 Gallery Martina Detterer, Frankfurt/M. Germany
2005 «Sacre Coeur», Gallery Alexandre Zellermayer, Berlin, Germany
2005 «Sittichfutter», Gallery Frédérique Giroux, Paris, France
2005 «Détours», Gallery Frédérique Giroux, Paris, France
2005 Paris Mange Disque, Paris, France
2005 «Canary food» Gallery Frédérique Giroux, Paris, France
2008 «You can fuck my heart, but you can not pick my flower» -able Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2009 «Surgite mortui venite ad Judicium» Gallery roZku, Mannheim, Germany
2014 «WHITE CUBE — ein kleiner Vorschlag zur Weiterentwicklung der weissen Zelle» unlimited liability, Hamburg, Germany
2019 «Mon âne» Gallery La résidence, Reims, France.


Group Exhibitions

2002 «Play Figures», Bachelor at the Academy of Design, Offenbach, Germany
2004 «Ghostscapes», curator: Philippe Rahm, Villa Savoye of Le Corbusier, Paris, France
2004 «Paris > Phnom Penh < Paris > Phnom Penh», Cambodia, Catalogue
2004 Betonsalon, Paris, France
2005 «Pirates vs. Ninjas», Kunsthalle Berlin, Pankow, Germany
2005 Exhibition at the theatre of the city of Erfurt, curator: Sabine Grosswendt, Germany
2005 «Serendipity ou la productivité du hasard», Console & Gallery Frédérique Giroux, Paris, France
2005 «être dans», atelier AIR of Jean-Luc Vilmouth & Nathalie Junod Ponsard at the
Finnish Institute, Paris, France
2006 «Residential co-op Carl Zeiss Eg», curator: Sabine Grosswendt, Kunstdepartement, Jena, Germany
2006 «Portes Ouvertes», Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts, Paris, France
2006 «Interim Ex», Gallery Alexandre Zellermayer, Berlin, Germany
2006 Video Projection of drawings and reading at the theatre of the city of Dresden, Germany
2006 Video Projection of drawings and reading, «La Mer Gelee», Gallery Jonas Reuber, Berlin, Germany
2006/07 «Kleine Formate» Gallery Martina Detterer, Frankfurt/M., Germany
2007 «Die Araber? Die Westler? - Journalismus im interkulturellen Kontext», discussion and exhibition, Gallery of the Goethe Institute in Cairo, Egypt
2007 «Portes Ouvertes», Ecole nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Paris, France
2007 «Re:Re:Re: Inter... elarénég», La Générale des Arts, Paris, France
2007/08 «Kleine Formate», Gallery Martina Detterer, Frankfurt/M., Germany
2008 «Parcours West», La Générale en Manufacture, Sèvres, France
2008 «Poor services», curator: Sloan Leblanc & Arnika Müll, La Générale en Manufacture, Sèvres, France
2009 «Poor services II», curator: Sloan Leblanc & Arnika Müll, La Générale en Manufacture, Sèvres, France
2009 «WEST 4», curator: Sloan Leblanc, La Générale en Manufacture, Sèvres, France
2009 «ArtscouteOne», curator: Dr. Rolf Lauter, Altes Volksbad, Mannheim / Germany
2009/10 «Kleine Formate», Gallery Martina Detterer, Frankfurt/M. Germany
2010 «How or When», La Générale en Manufacture, Sèvres, France
2010 «Grenzgänger», La Générale en Manufacture, Sèvres, France
2010 «My Favorite Song», Gallery Maison d’Art, Osaka, Japan
2010 «Little Big Bang», Plateforme, Paris, France
2010 «CHIC ART FAIR 2010»,  Gallery Maison d’Art, Paris, France
2010 «Time in our head», La Générale en Manufacture, Sèvres, France
2010 «IMPLODED», open studio, Berlin, Germany
2010 «Life & Love», curated by Michael Schmacke, presented by Salonbruit e.V. at Lichtblick cinema, Berlin, Germany
2010 « Berlin Paris 2030» Symposium Utopien Dystopien, Institut francais, Berlin, Germany
2010 /11 «Kleine Formate» Gallery Martina Detterer, Frankfurt/M. Germany
2011 «Summer Summum», La Générale en Manufacture, Sèvres, France
2011 «Giessener Ring», Neuer Kunstverein Giessen, Germany
2011 «Poor Service 3», curators: Arnika Müll and Sloan Leblanc, La Générale en Manufacture, Sèvres, France
2011 «Kleine Formate», Gallery Martina Detterer, Frankfurt/M, Germany
2012 «Stock Option», curator: Caroline Pradal, Gallery 22,48m2, Paris, France
2012 «Introspection, die innere Wirklichkeit des Künstlers», curator: Dr. Rolf Lauter, artlabmannheim, Mannheim, Germany
2012 «Stock Option - Chapitre 2», curator: Caroline Pradal, Gallery Jeune Creation, Paris, France
2013 «The Naked and the Nude», curator: Peter Weiermair, Gallery Martina Detterer, Frankfurt/M, Germany
2013 «Barbarie», curators: Elisa Rigoulet, Barbara Siegel & Pierre Limpens, La Générale en Manufacture, Sèvres, France
2014 «Chroprobe #1», ArToll Kunstlabor e.V., curator: Ria Gerth, Bedburg-Hau, Germany
2014 «Arthof 7», Unterer Hardthof, Gießen, Germany
2014 Short Film Festival, «Stadtvisionale 2014 "Das Gesicht der Stadt"», evangelische Akademie Frankfurt, Frankfurt/M, Germany
2014 «Kleine Formate», Gallery Martina Detterer, Frankfurt/M, Germany
2015 «Occupied Emotions», curator: Nathalie Vanheule, Broelmuseum, Kortrijk, Belgium
2015 «An den Rändern der Zeichnung» curator: Markus Lepper, KIZ, Kunst im Zentrum, Gießen, Germany
2015 32. Kasseler Dokfest», Kassel, Germany
2016 «Blaue Stunde7», Alte Feuerwache, op09, Germany.
2016 «Vielen Dank, Auf Wiedersehen», Galerie Detterer, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
2017 «Der Heise Kunstpreis», Alte Feuerwache, Dessau, Germany.
2018 «Blaue Stunde 8», Alte Feuerwache, Cologne, Germany.
2019 «Stadt-Kunst-Fest», Großenhain, Germany.
2020 «Blaue Stunde 8», Alte Feuerwache, Cologne, Germany.

Catalogues and Publications

2003 Catalogue for the Exhibition at the Dresdner Bank, edition 600 prints
2004 Catalogue for the Exhibition at the Villa Savoye, «Ghostscapes», ISBN 2-84056-169-7
2005 Catalogue for the workshop with the students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Phnom Penh,
Cambodia, ISBN-2-84056-177-8
2005 The Academy of Design (Hfg) annual report, «Doch So», ISBN 3-921997-52-6
German-French literature magazine «La Mer Gelee», ISSN 1772-0613
2006 Die Gestalten Verlag, Catalogue «Play Loud!» ISBN 3-89955-157-5
2007 «Iconofly N# 3»,
2007 Die Gestalten Verlag, Catalogue «Kelvin», ISBN: 978-3-89955-196-9
2007 Die Gestalten Verlag, Catalogue «Illusive2», ISBN: 978-3-89955-191-4
2008 German-French literature magazine «La Mer Gelee», Marges
2008 «Iconofly N#4», Citycowboy
2008 «Catalogue des diplômés de l'Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts,
édition 2007», ISBN : 978-2-84056-283-2 ,  EAN : 9782840562832
2009 «Iconofly N#5»,
2009 German-French literature magazine «La Mer Gelee», Berlin Alexanderplatz
2009 «Illusive», Contemporary Illustration Part 3, ISBN: 978-3-89955-250-8
2009 «Arteditions», Gestalten Verlag,
2010 «Streifzug», Giessener Allgemeine Zeitung, N°08
2011 «ICONOfly», Diary of a Perfume
2013 «Inestimable me», Interview for the blog,
2014 «Drunk about White Cube»,
2016 «Newseweek», «Happy, happy, joy, joy Maske», N# 9/23, New York, USA.
2017    «Der freche Mario», ArtPrice 2008 - 2014, Alibri Verlag.

Awards / Residency

2006 Second place, competition "with your eyes" Li-lak, a project of the Goethe Institute Middle East, North Africa
2007 - 2014 Residency at la Générale en Manufacture, Sèvres, Paris, France
2014 2 weeks residency at ArToll Kunstlabor e.V. working on the project "Chorprobe #1", invitation of Ria Gerth, in Bedburg-Hau, Germany
2014 Invitation of Michel Chevallier at "unlimited liability" 3 weeks residency with Sloan Leblanc, Hamburg, Germany
2017    «Der freche Mario», ArtPrice 2008 - 2014, Alibri Verlag, Germany